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Useful template functions for Go templates.

Date Functions


The current date/time. Use this in conjunction with other date functions.


The ago function returns duration from time.Now in seconds resolution.

ago .CreatedAt"

returns in time.Duration String() format



The date function formats a date.

Format the date to YEAR-MONTH-DAY:

now | date "2006-01-02"

Date formatting in Go is a little bit different.

In short, take this as the base date:

Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006

Write it in the format you want. Above, 2006-01-02 is the same date, but in the format we want.


Same as date, but with a timezone.

dateInZone "2006-01-02" (now) "UTC"


Formats a given amount of seconds as a time.Duration.

This returns 1m35s

duration "95"


Rounds a given duration to the most significant unit. Strings and time.Duration gets parsed as a duration, while a time.Time is calculated as the duration since.

This return 2h

durationRound "2h10m5s"

This returns 3mo

durationRound "2400h10m5s"


Returns the seconds since the unix epoch for a time.Time.

now | unixEpoch

dateModify, mustDateModify

The dateModify takes a modification and a date and returns the timestamp.

Subtract an hour and thirty minutes from the current time:

now | date_modify "-1.5h"

If the modification format is wrong dateModify will return the date unmodified. mustDateModify will return an error otherwise.


The htmlDate function formats a date for inserting into an HTML date picker input field.

now | htmlDate


Same as htmlDate, but with a timezone.

htmlDateInZone (now) "UTC"

toDate, mustToDate

toDate converts a string to a date. The first argument is the date layout and the second the date string. If the string can’t be convert it returns the zero value. mustToDate will return an error in case the string cannot be converted.

This is useful when you want to convert a string date to another format (using pipe). The example below converts “2017-12-31” to “31/12/2017”.

toDate "2006-01-02" "2017-12-31" | date "02/01/2006"